The Memento Hackathon is an event to learn about web archiving and long term preservation strategies. During these two days, Ghent University invited Herbert Van de Sompel, Los Alamos National Laboratory, as speaker about his Memento web archiving project:
The Hackathon will bring together digital library enthusiasts, programmers and web archiving specialists to discuss long term preservation strategies and get hands on experience with Memento.
Where is the Hackathon?
Rozier 9000
When is the Hackathon?
March 9–10, 2015. The days include networking, hacking and a workshopWhat do you need to sign up
Interest in library programming, long term preservation and web archiving. Library technologists are welcome and there is no entrance fee for the event.
Please send and email to : patrick dot hochstenbach at ugent dot be to register